Sneak Peek at .NET 7
Marek Safar, 21.6.2022, Praha
Tým Dotnet Days Vás zve na akci
Sneak Peek at .NET 7
Please come to see and ask what is planned for the next .NET release scheduled to be available later this year. We’ll go over small and big features that are available in the latest previews as well as work that still can be included in the release. The list of features added in each release has been very long since .NET Core release model was introduced. It will be no different for the next release with a great mix of C# language, runtime, and tooling features planned.
Přednášku pro Vás připravil Marek Safar, Engineering Manager ve společnosti Microsoft.
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Program akce / Event schedule
Přednášející / Speaker
Marek Safar
Engineering Manager
working at Microsoft
Marek Safar
Engineering Manager
working at Microsoft
Marek Safar is Engineering Manager working at Microsoft where he manages teams working on fundamental parts of .NET platforms.
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Impact Hub Praha
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